
Data protection

By using Elysium services, you agree to this Privacy Notice.  The use of Elysium services may require the processing of personal data provided by the user. The user data provided will be used for the purposes clearly indicated at the points of entry and the personal data provided will be treated with the utmost discretion and will not be transferred, sold or otherwise made available to third parties.


By using Elysium's services, the user agrees to the storage of the data provided, which may be used for statistical purposes, and the user also agrees to receive various informative content from the Elysium team via email.

Az email címed megadásával elfogadod, hogy az Elysium a megadott e-mail címedre marketing jellegű hírlevelet vagy a saját szolgáltatásairól tájékoztató leveleket küldjön. A hírlevélről való feliratkozás bármikor visszavonható, ha a felhasználó úgy dönt. Ha problémát tapasztal a leiratkozásnál, lépjen velünk kapcsolatba az  email címen. 

We may also receive your information by contacting you or by sending you documents in electronic format that include your personal information. Our staff will treat the information they receive with the utmost discretion.


The data is recorded and controlled in order to operate Elysium services and to identify users.

We may send you non-marketing messages about your account, even if you have unsubscribed from our newsletters. If your e-mail address has changed in the meantime for any reason and you do not receive our security-related mail, you are solely responsible.


The information you voluntarily provide will be kept until you request its deletion. A tárolt adataidnak végleges törlésére való szándékot az email címünkre ( küldött levélben jelezheted.


Elysium reserves the right to amend this Privacy Notice at any time. Users will be notified of any changes. If you do not agree to the terms of the amended privacy policy, you can notify us at our email address and request that your data be deleted.

Request for information

A felhasználó bármikor jogosult vagy tájékoztatást kérni a szolgáltatásainkkal összefüggésben kezelt, rád vonatkozó személyes adatokról az címen.

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